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Veterinary Telemedicine – A New / Emerging Concept

Nov 11, 2020CPD Events, Events

KESCAVA EXECUTIVE is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Veterinary Telemedicine – A New / Emerging Concept
Time: Nov 12, 2020 19:00 Nairobi
Presenter: Dr. Shyam Gosrani
Brief Introduction / Description:

Veterinary Telemedicine and Telehealth has become a growing mode of offering veterinary services especially since the advent of the COVID19 pandemic. This concept , like most technological innovations, is soon going to be part of our routine here in Kenya. Currently, the KVB is in the process of developing guidelines that will make the use of Telemedicine available to the general public and clinicians. KESCAVA has taken this opportunity to invite Dr. Shyam Gosrani, a Kenyan veterinarian trained in the UK and a co-founder of a company that has applied to the KVB to be allowed to role out this mode of service delivery, to give a demonstration on how the service is intended to work. Please take the time to attend the demonstration so as to understand the whole concept. This demonstration offers you an opportunity to interrogate Dr. Gosrani on the system and how it will impact your practice. Your comments will also be important for the KVB to note as they develop the guidelines. Most importantly, your inputs will enable Dr. Gosrami to customize the features to align with your general concerns.

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Kind Regards,

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